
Friday, August 3, 2012

Interfaith Head-Covering: Links

We don't practice Judaism in a vacuum.  I thought it would be interesting to share some theology and personal experiences from folks of other religions about their own religions' use of head-covering.  I am indebted to the lovely folks at the ravelry forum "Veiled Knitters" for helping me find many of these links.  This is far from an exhaustive listing- just some things that I've found, and found interesting, in the last weeks.

A Feminist Reaction to Hijab

As a woman who has worn an religious marker on my head, I can really identify with some of the thinking in this post, about the intensification of judgement when you're identifiable.

One of the things that I find interesting about Christian head covering is how often it seems to be directly linked to formal worship, rather than general modesty.  This is one Catholic explanation of the use of the chapel veil.

Here's one woman's look at what the Christian Bible has to say to her about head covering.

And here's another Protestant approach.

And, in the framework of daily covering: two pieces about the combined choice of head-covering and plain dress.

Here's a blog (this is one post, but a lot of the blog is about head-covering) from an Eastern Orthodox Christian perspective.  I don't know how typical it is- the Eastern Orthodox women I've known in person have not covered their head outside of prayer.

This other Orthodox Christian perspective suggests that wearing a headcovering is a way of making yourself into an icon.  I'm going to need to read it again before I really start to feel what this idea is about.

And now for something I hadn't known about before, Pagan head-covering: (If you're uncomfortable reading about such things, here's where you should skip, although the final blog does not actively discuss Avodah Zarah.)

And yet another, with a variety of approaches to the practice, and links to other blog posts about it.

The Pagan blogs that I've looked at have had a strong focus on personal choice and individual calling to cover.  However, that doesn't exempt them from the discomforts that head-covering can bring- including discrimination.  Here is a response to that issue.  I think it is fascinating to see how a community that revolves around a voluntary practice can call for things that a community that sees the same practice is mandatory might not do...

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