
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Jews and Hats, In the News

For once, something about Jewish men and their hats.  In this case, mostly Satmar men, and their hats- made in Spain.
Worth a read


  1. Very interesting article! Good to know that the company is enjoying its success due to Brooklyn Satmars.

    I grew up in Brooklyn in a time when the East New York section was largely Jewish. While I am a Hispanic and was raised Catholic, my ancestry is Sephardic. Although both of my parent's families had long converted to Catholicism, they were called "Marranos" (literally meaning, pigs) and exiled. Thus, I have always had a fondness for things that are Sephardic. But I had no idea idea that Satmars liked the "El Cordobes" look! :)

    I note that there are no comments on your site. Do you welcome posts that deal with social issues or is this site restricted to ladies and their head wear?

    Well, if you (and your hubby) don't mind me saying so, you are very pretty. If I went to temple you could lead the services at any time.

    Blessings .....

  2. No reply? Did I say something wrong??
