
Friday, August 17, 2012

One Long Week

This has been a very busy week here, chez howtocover.  We came back from that wedding on Sunday by bus, which got us home around 3:30am.  While we went back to sleep after, it made for a tired sort of beginning of the week.  It was followed by: 2 nights this week that included night seder at the yeshiva until 9pm, cleaning out our last things (and some dirt/mess) from our old apartment so that we're finally done moving, and hosting a sheva brachot meal last night for our friends who got married at that wedding that started the week off.  It also involved 2 sets of pre-employment errands: a drug screen and a pre-employment physical.

This means that a. my blog posts have been a little scanty, and that b. today, my head covering is about as simple as it gets.  Here's proof that I don't always do something creative on my head.
There are times where I like the idea that a head covering can be a crown (as proven by how I do my head up for weddings and such events), and then there are times when what I want is "just a covering".  Today, which involved a physical, including a blood draw to check my immunizations (this usually makes me pretty anxious- but the NP who did my physical was amazing, and I even went into it maintaining my calm much better than I have in the past- maybe I'm growing up), was a "just a covering" day- just something easy that made me feel comfortable and like myself.


  1. There's something so soothing about a just-covering. We cover our heads with a veil during prayer. I remember being young and fighting over the "sparkly" one with my sisters. These days I'm looking for something simple but without being ostentatious about its simplicity :).

    1. I guess there is a difference between "simple" and "stark". Simple can be soothing, comfortable, easy. Stark seems like it's approaching ostentation from around the other side of the spectrum.

  2. I love my simple plan cotton tichels. They feel like good quality bed sheets. They are in lovely colors and are not stark, but they are simple :)

    1. Simplicity can be really beautiful- something that I sometimes forget. Thank you for the reminder! And very nice to "meet" you.
