
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Blogging My Interests and Anxieties

When I started this blog, I said I'd be writing about all sorts of aspects of Jewish head-covering: personal experiences, source texts, pictures, how-tos, crafts, etc.  And I've done a little bit of that.  But mostly, I've focused on married women's head-covering- in my texts (and there will be more texts coming, for real), in my pictures and in most of my reflections.  It's the reality that I'm living right now- and therefore, it speaks to me most vividly.

But I'm also really invested in talking about kippah-wearing, both for men and women, and the interesting sometimes controversy of wigs, and whatever other options I can come up with.  And I haven't been writing about those things at all- and I really think that they're worth talking about, and talking about in the same forums as my style photos and musings about my own current experiences.

Some of my focus is just that it is easiest to write about what is most current for me.  Some of it is that I don't really know who my audience is- I'm writing for women who cover their hair already- so probably mostly the Orthodox.  I'm also writing for other folks who are interested and egalitarian.  Do I just write what I want to, for myself, and let such readership as I have deal with it?  Or do I play it safe?  I've been playing it safe, a significant chunk of the time.  The thing is- that isn't the point of this blog.  I'm going to make more of an effort to both a. post more often, and b. talk about a broader range of issues relating to the things that we Jews put on our heads.

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